Summer driving has its share of hazards.
Driving in hot weather, particularly heatwave conditions, can pose significant
challenges and risks to the health and safety of drivers, passengers and other
road users. This summer, stay safe as you are hitting the road. Below we share
some of the tips to follow in order to avoid hot weather hazards:
v Inspect your vehicle. Always do a routine inspection of your vehicle
during this summer season. Check tyres and tyre pressure, secure and test the
battery, listen to and feel the brakes, check belts and hoses, and also check
oil and coolant levels amongst other essential things. Clean oil is especially
important during the summer. Oil helps your car prevent overheating,
lubricating moving parts safely.
v Avoid sun-glare. You can do so by utilising your sun visor, keeping your
windshield clean and free of cracks, keeping your dashboard free of glossy
items that can reflect light or wear dark sunglasses as a precautionary
measure. In fact, sunglasses are not just accessories for looking good. They
can also help the driver to avoid the sun’s glare, which may cause accidents as
it impairs visibility.
v Pack an emergency preparedness kit. Be ready to do quick repair jobs for roadside
emergencies with basic supplies. Your vehicle emergency kit should include the
first aid kit (bandages, medical tape, curved scissors, antibiotic ointment,
antiseptic wipes, hot and cold pack amongst other essentials), jumper cables,
water, spare tyre, mobile phone and charger, non-perishable food, flashlight
and batteries, and tow strap amongst other things.
v Watch out for distracted drivers. Distracted driving is an act of driving while
doing another activity that takes your attention away from driving. Drivers are
not immune to distraction and need to maintain their good driving habits. Every driver is responsible for learning to
deal safely with the things that may affect their driving. The subconscious mind may notice a distraction,
but the conscious mind needs to weed it out and concentrate on the more
important driving tasks. Using cell-phones or other devices while driving has
proven to be deadly.
v Pay special attention to your tyres and be
ready for blowouts. Heat makes
tyres more prone to blowouts in summer. Proper tyre inflation is important for
good gas mileage and safe tyre wear. During the summer season, proper tyre
inflation is especially important to keep your tyres running cool with the
right amount of pressure to avoid a dangerous blowout. Use the manufacturer’s
recommendation found inside your driver’s door jamb to determine the proper
level for your tyre pressure. You should also visually inspect your tyres for
irregular wear, low tread, and other problems.
v Keep hydrated. This is important for overall health and well-being. When we
feel dehydrated, the situation might be much worse than that and many drivers
may not drink enough water to replenish what has been lost. Keeping a fully
stocked supply of water inside your vehicle is exceptionally helpful in making
sure you have enough water to drink. Drinking water ahead of time before exhibiting
any symptoms of dehydration also helps make sure you do not get dehydrated
while driving, which helps keep drivers alert.
v Check your air conditioning. The vehicle’s air conditioning system is
important because it helps to keep the body cool and comfortable in the heat.
Without it, drivers may be subjected to dangerously hot temperatures inside the
vehicle, so it is important to make sure your air conditioning system is
functioning correctly.
v Always obey speed limits. Remember to always practice safe driving
habits. All of the dangers associated with speeding heighten when the weather
is bad. Hot temperatures can cause the air in your tyres to expand. Even
strong, new tyres can blowout during a heat wave.
A little planning and some safety checks might spare you from
dealing with the consequences of a breakdown or worse, a road traffic crash
during this summer season. Have a
good summer, and please put safety first. Be a responsible driver.
Inserted by TSCZ, Operations Research and Marketing
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